Dtsch Tierarztl Wochenschr.
1992 Mar;99(3):111-3.
[The problem of breeding for spots in rabbits. 2. Further results on the variation of characteristics in fattening and breeding animals].
[Article in German]
Mahdi N, Wieberneit D, Wegner W.
Institut für Tierzucht und Verebungsforschung der Tierärztlichen Hochschule Hannover.
The mode of inheritance of spotting in both breeds (ES and DRS) is compatible with incompletely dominant resp. intermediate segregation, though a broad variability of spotted areas exists, indicating the influence of minor genes or other ontogenetic factors. Additional findings support the conclusion, that there is a very distinct predisposition of homozygous KK animals to develop megacolon with growing age. This also has consequences for the relative organ weight of the heart and of the adrenals in this genotype. Sporadically encountered accessory adrenal cortical tissue however did not exhibit genotypic preferences.
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